Testing in open source projects

This week in our open source class we learned about the new javascript or should I say ECMAscript.
So what is ECMAscript?
ECMAscript is a standardize javascript to foster multiple independent implementation.
It is mostly used for client-side scripting and is used in modern web technologies like node.js and react - redux frameworks.

A well way to contribute to open source project for beginners are coding testing scripts, build development and QA.

I had a look at the ECMAscript test suite experimental harness


This test suite allows users to unit test for function in javascript.

So after setting up the environment , I ran the test using the code

test262-harness test/**/*.js

As we can see out of the 205 tests , 199 passed and 6 failed. The error shows problems with using strict mode.

After that I updated some of the test :
//Test 1
assert.sameValue(reverse, x, "value is not equal");
//Test 2
assert.sameValue(typeof reverse, typeof x, "type not equal");
//Test 3
assert.sameValue(x[2], 3, "msg for value not equal");
//test 4
assert(x[3] !== 3);


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